10 Reasons To Have Faith In God
10 Reasons To Have Faith In God

10 Reasons To Have Faith In God

10 Reasons To Have Faith In God: If God allows bad things to happen, why? Unfortunately, the bad things in the world can sometimes make my heart hurt. That happens a lot! It’s likely that you sometimes think about the same thing. Because my husband always tells me I’m “innocent,” I think the world is even worse than I think. Truthfully, I think that most people will reach Heaven. Luke 7:13 says, “Wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many go in there.”

Many times, people use their free will to do bad things that destroy the world. That being the case, why did God give them free will? Although free will allows for bad things to happen, it also allows for love, goodness, and joy that are worth having. It wouldn’t be worth making a world full of robots, or beings that worked like machines (C.S. Lewis, The Case for Christianity). This is why God gave us free will: He loves us and wants us to be able to choose. We should love Him, but we should love Him without any conditions.

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We live in a broken world full of broken people because of this. They also say that “hurt people hurt people.” In this broken world, the only way to have hope is to trust God. It can be hard to trust God, but I’ll give you 10 reasons to do so and a prayer you can say to strengthen your faith in the Lord.

What is The Full Form of Faith?

FAITH Full Assurance of Trusting Him. FAITH Forsaking Everything, I Take Him. FAITH is full assurance in the heart.

Why is it so Difficult to Trust God?

A number of things can make it hard to trust God, such as:
Lack of knowledge: Because we don’t know much about human past, it’s hard to see how God’s plan fits with suffering.
Being unable to see God: Because we can’t see God, it can be hard to trust Him. When you feel fear, worry, or unbelief, it can be hard to trust God. [10 Reasons To Have Faith In God]
Self-reliance: It can be hard to trust God when people depend on their own skills instead of His.
Life events like stress, trauma, and sadness can make people lose their faith.
Fewer prayers: People who don’t pray with God may not be able to trust Him.

  • Feeling trust in God can look like these:
  • Explore the Bible for truth.
  • Apologize for not believing
  • Bring your worries to a group of people.
  • Take some time to pray.
  • Don’t take what you have for granted.
  • Proceed with the help of the Holy Spirit.
  • Be patient with the Lord.

Believing in God

There is more to believing in God than just admitting that He exists. It takes a strong trust and a promise to be close to Him. Believers can’t please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6). Therefore, what does it mean to trust God?

Acknowledging God’s Existence

The first thing you need to do to believe in God is to admit that He exists. A lot of people around the world believe in ghosts, gods, or something else mysterious. However, it’s not enough to just believe that God lives. It says in James 2:19 that even devils believe in God. We should believe in God in more ways than one.

Commitment and a Change of Life

If you believe in God, you should make a promise and change your life. Just because we believe in God doesn’t mean that our deeds and behavior should change. Just like many of us know it’s important to eat well and exercise, but don’t change our habits, many people believe in God but don’t show their faith. We can see in James 1:26 that faith without works is dead. If we believe in God, we should want to live our lives in line with what He wants. [10 Reasons To Have Faith In God]

Reasons to Trust God

  • God does not change.
  • Heavenly things come from God, and he will lead you.
  • For those who seek Him, God will not leave them.
  • God will give you what your heart wants.
  • God will be with you wherever you go.
  • God will meet your needs.
  • Whoever seeks God will be rewarded.
  • Relax, God will help you.

True Belief Based on Who God Is

The Bible tells us who God really is, which is the basis for real faith in Him. A lot of people make up their own ideas about God by picking and choosing the parts that fit their tastes. But to really believe, you have to accept and honor the Triune God, who is perfect, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-sufficient, unchangeable, true, faithful, kind, loving, merciful, holy, and fair. Our beliefs need to match up with what we know about God.

Jesus Christ as the Most Complete Revelation

To really believe in the God who has shown Himself to us, we also need to believe in Jesus Christ. He is the fullness of God’s being and the source of His glory (Hebrews 1:3). Our understanding of God has been opened to us through Jesus. Jesus said that anyone who has seen Him has seen the Father, which shows that He is one with God (John 14:9–11). People who believe in God must also believe in Jesus Christ.

Why this is important

Believing in God is more than just agreeing with what you read. You must have a real connection with Him and choose to live your life according to His will. The Bible tells us who God really is, so that’s what we should believe. For those who really believe in God, believing in Jesus Christ is the most important thing they can do. We can’t honor God or have a real connection with Him if we don’t believe this.

What does it mean to trust God?

According to Merriam-Webster, “trust” is “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.” To trust God means to be certain that He is dependable, capable, strong, and true. In other words, trusting God is relying on His power against evil and believing in His promises.

What are the benefits of trusting God?

“Come to me all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you,” (Matt 11:28; emphasis added). God wants you to devote your entire heart, mind, and soul to Him. When we truly surrender ourselves to God, He gives us so much more in return. He grants us actual tranquility.

God wants to give you everything! But He never pushes Himself on anyone. To benefit from His grace, we must first embrace His love. But when we embrace His love and believe in His word and strength, amazing things happen. We can breathe! [10 Reasons To Have Faith In God]

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It is tiring to try to accomplish life on your own. That’s because we’re not supposed to do it alone. We are not even supposed to do it with only family and friends, although Jesus frequently works through them. We are expected to live our lives leaning against Jesus, much as St. John the Beloved did during the Last Supper. At Jesus’ heart lies true peace, not a lack of pain. Suffering is unavoidable as long as free choice remains, but God provides comfort to those who are troubled. We only need to trust Him.

What does it mean to trust God?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “trust” as an “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.” Therefore, to trust God is to be sure that He is reliable, able, strong, and true. In other words, to trust God means to rely on His strength against evil and to believe in His promises.

What are the benefits of trusting God?

“Come to me all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you,” (Matt 11:28). God wants you to give your whole heart, your whole mind, and your whole soul to Him. When we give ourselves completely to God, He gives so much more in return. He gives us true peace.

God wants to give you everything! But He never forces Himself upon anyone. We have to accept His love in order to reap the benefits of His grace. But when we accept His love and trust His word and His strength, great things happen. We can breath!

It is exhausting trying to do life all by yourself. That is because we are not meant to do it alone. We are not even meant to do it with just family and friends, though Jesus often works through family and friends. We are meant to do life while leaning against Jesus like St. John the Beloved leaned against Jesus at the Last Supper. At Jesus’ heart is where peace is found – true peace, not lack of suffering. Suffering is inevitable as long as free will exists, but God offers peace to all those who are burdened. We need only trust Him.

10 Reasons to Trust God

Now that we understand what it means to trust God, the following issue is why we should trust Him. Here are ten reasons to trust God.

1. God is all-Good

10 Reasons To Have Faith In God

God is actually Goodness Itself. He is where all good things come from. He makes only good things. The things God made were very good, as stated in Genesis 1:31. Since evil is just a lack of good, it must be a lack of God. This world has evil because God gave us free will, which means we can choose Him or not. Since people are social by nature, the sins of those who don’t follow God will always affect those who do. But we shouldn’t worry because God wins over all evil in the end. [10 Reasons To Have Faith In God]

2. God is all-Powerful

10 Reasons To Have Faith In God

After making everything, God has complete control over everything. God has bestowed all of your gifts and blessings on you. Jesus is also the source of Satan’s “power.” On occasion, it might look like there is a battle going on between good and bad, or between God and Satan. Actually, God already won the war. But that doesn’t mean that we’ll all go to Heaven immediately. God has already beaten Satan, but He still lets us choose to fight with Him. If we choose to fight for Him, though, He will be with us the whole time.

3. God is all-Present

10 Reasons To Have Faith In God

Heaven and earth are full of God. Many people pray as if God is someone other than themselves. All-present, on the other hand, means that God is in us. Wendie Riemersma all together in You call this our “Imago Dei,” which means “image of God.” “[And] God made man in his own image, to be like himself. He made them male and female.” Genesis 1:27). For God made each of us in his own image. And in that Imago Dei, God is in all of us simultaneously. He didn’t make us and then forget about us.

4. God is all-Knowing

10 Reasons To Have Faith In God

And God knows how many hairs are on your head and how many stars are in the sky. Besides what you ate for breakfast, he also knows what you are thinking and what you are going to wear tomorrow. He understands you better than you understand yourself.

It’s normal to get angry when God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we think He will. For the same reason that a child gets mad when his parents don’t give him what he wants, we often get angry at our Heavenly Father for not giving us what we want. [10 Reasons To Have Faith In God]

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But sometimes what a child wants isn’t what’s best for him, and the parent has to exhibit tough love by refusing the child what he wants, no matter what the child says. Similar to this, God shows us tough love sometimes, not because He doesn’t want to give us things, but because He wants to give us the best!

5. God is Just

10 Reasons To Have Faith In God

A lot of the time, I think about how unfair life is! Sometimes it’s hard for me to understand how God can let such horrible things happen to harmless people. Ones that come to mind are abortion and kidnapping. I feel sad about it!

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But I was reminded of this the other day: God righteous. It may be hard to believe that God lets these bad things to happen. Life isn’t always fair, but everything will work out in the end. There is a bigger good that comes from every evil act. If the people who have been wronged choose to follow God, their prize in heaven will more than make up for what they went through on earth.

6. God is Merciful

10 Reasons To Have Faith In God

There were so many times in the Old Testament when God forgive His people for forgetting about Him and worshiping other things. They have many chances to follow Him, though, because God is patient with them.

One of the most well-known stories about forgiveness in the New Testament is that of the Good Thief who died on the cross next to Jesus. „He told Jesus, “Lord, remember me when you get to your kingdom.” Jesus replied, “Amen, I say to you, you will be with me in paradise today.” It is always possible to ask the Lord to forgive your mistakes because of this. God is all-powerful, so no mistake is too big for Him to forgive.

We can also be forgiven for our sins by a priest acting “in the person of Christ” through the Sacrament of Penance, which Jesus gave us. Furthermore, after Christ has forgiven you, ask God for the power to change your life, and believe that He will give it to you. [10 Reasons To Have Faith In God]

7. God is Love

10 Reasons To Have Faith In God

Jesus is where all love comes from. God is necessary for love to exist. The Lord not only loves you, but He loves you fully and always. His love is beyond our understanding. It might be hard for you to understand how much God loves you if you didn’t have a father or if you had a bad one. But God is a great parent. And He can make those wounds better if you let Him. He can fix any problem!

Because God loves you so much, He died a terrible death for you. Jesus said, “No one has greater love than this: to lay down one’s life for his friends.” Jesus could have died for our sins with a wound as small as a papercut because He is infinite. Nevertheless, He loved us very much and wanted to show it. Viewing a cross will help you decide if God loves you. He really cares about you! Beyond what you can comprehend.

8. God is Truth

10 Reasons To Have Faith In God

God is the source of all truth, just like He is the source of all love. He is Accuracy. God is truthful. It takes Him a little while to keep His promises sometimes, but He always does. He promised Abraham children as numerous as “the stars of heaven” (Gen 26:4). Sarah was unable to have children for a long time, but she eventually gave birth to a son, Abraham, who became the father of many Israelites.

He also promised that He would rise from the dead three days after being crucified when He said, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” (John 2:19). Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, but His servants didn’t understand what He meant. We will soon be celebrating this event on Easter Sunday. People may sometimes break their promises to us, but we know that God will always keep His word. [10 Reasons To Have Faith In God]

9. God is Life

10 Reasons To Have Faith In God

Jesus said, “I am the bread that survives.” If you come to me, you will never go hungry, and if you believe in me, you will never thirst (John 6:35). If we pick other gods over the eternal God, our lives will feel empty and have no point. Choosing to follow God, who is life, makes us full of life. In the middle of pain, our lives take on meaning. We are meant to live forever after this life, though. In the end, we are made to live forever in Heaven with God, who loves us more than anyone else.

10. God is Unchanging

10 Reasons To Have Faith In God

Finally, God doesn’t change. These nine reasons will always be good reasons to trust God. There is no need for God to change because He is perfect. There are times when people change for the better and times when they change for the worse. But you can always count on God because He is always good, always forgiving, and always loving. You can count on Him!

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Real-Life Experience about Faith in God

I consider a time when trusting God felt nearly impossible. Life seemed so unfair—stress at paintings, a near pal’s betrayal, and the lack of a loved one weighed closely on my coronary heart. I frequently asked, “Why might God let this occur?” But as I contemplated, I found out that even in the ones painful moments, God had never left my side.

Through prayer, I began to observe the little benefits: a kind word from a stranger, a chum who showed up after I needed it maximum, and a unexpected sense of peace throughout a chaotic day. Slowly, I understood that trusting God didn’t suggest everything could be clean—it intended believing He had a plan, even if I couldn’t see it. That trust delivered me electricity, and I saw how His love works even inside the hardest times. [10 Reasons To Have Faith In God]


Finally, placing our accept as true with in God is a process that desires religion, patience, and a readiness to permit cross of our fears. It isn’t always easy, mainly whilst life throws you problems, but believing God has big advantages. His regular love, endless nature, and guarantees of wish and peace supply us a solid base to stand on when things are unclear.

If we lean on Him and agree with that He is good, we will locate electricity, that means, and real happiness. No be counted what occurs, God’s presence and faithfulness always display us that we aren’t by myself. Watch as He modifications your existence in ways you in no way notion viable as you believe Him. [10 Reasons To Have Faith In God]


Q.1 How to trust God 100%?

Ans:- “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t attempt to figure it out on your own. Listen for God’s voice in whatever you do and wherever you go; he’ll keep you on track. Are you now battling to trust God in your circumstances and feelings? You are not alone.

Q.2 What is an example of faith?

Ans:- Faith is spiritual proof that things we cannot see or hear actually exist and are true. For example, we did not see Jesus die or suffer for our sins, but we have faith that He did.

Q.3 What is faith in real life?

Ans:- According to the Bible, “faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Heb. 11:1, NIV). Faithfulness entails living in confidence and hope, and one of the finest ways to find them is via modest, thankful meditation.


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