The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse
The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse

What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse? Complete Knowledge 2025

A Guide from the Heart to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

1. The Beginning

What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse: God gives us gifts called The Gifts of the Holy Spirit to help us grow spiritually and help other people. They give Christians the tools they need to live out their faith and make a difference in the world. Christians have loved these gifts for a very long time because they come from the Bible, especially 1 Corinthians 12:4–11.

2. How the gifts of the Holy Spirit are based on the Bible

  • Different Gifts: Everyone has a special job to do.
  • Goal: The gifts help make the community more loved and helpful.
  • Distribution: The Holy Spirit chooses who gets what gifts.

3. What are the nine gifts that the Holy Spirit gives us?

What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse
What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse

How many gifts of the Holy Spirit are there in the Bible?

Eighteen (18)

Bible Verses about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit:

Acts 2:38–39
After that, Peter told them, “You will all receive the Holy Spirit if you turn away from your sins and are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.” For the promise is for you and your children, as well as for everyone else far away, as many as the Lord our God calls.

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6–9 of 2 Timothy
So, I want to tell you to rest on my hands to bring out the gift of God that is inside you. But the LORD did not give us an energy of fear. He has given us a spirit of power, love, and clear thinking. Please don’t feel bad about our Lord’s testimony or my imprisonment. Instead, join me in my suffering for the gospel in line with God’s power. He saved us and called us to a holy calling not because of what we did, but because of His own plan and grace, which He gave us in Christ Jesus before time began. [What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse]

Acts 1:8 says that when the Holy Spirit comes down on you, you will be strong and help people believe in Me in Jerusalem, all of Judea and Samaria, and until the end of the world.

Acts 2:4–8
Suddenly, the whole house where they were sitting was filled with a sound that sounded like a strong wind coming from heaven. Then they saw pieces of tongues that looked like fire, one on top of the other. As the Holy Spirit gave them words, they all spoke in different languages.

2:12–13 in 1 Corinthians
There is now the Spirit of God in us, not the Spirit of the world. This is so we can understand the things God has freely given us. We also talk about spiritual things next to spiritual things using language that the Holy Spirit teaches us instead of natural knowledge.

5:5 in Romans
Now we have hope because God’s love has filled our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who was given to us.

12:7–11 of 1 Corinthians
The manifestation of the Holy the spirit, on one hand, is given to everybody for their own benefit. One person receives the word of wisdom, another person receives the word of knowledge, a third person receives the word of faith, a third person receives the gifts of healing, a third person receives the ability to work miracles, a third person receives prophecy, a third person receives the ability to discern spirits, a third person receives different kinds of tongues, and a third person interprets tongues. Yet the exact same Divine does every one of these actions and gives them to various people as It sees fit. [What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse]

6 Romans 12
Then let’s use the gifts that come with the different kinds of grace that have been given to us. For example, if we are given the gift of vision, let’s use it in a way that shows how much faith we have.

12:1 of 1 Corinthians
Brothers, I don’t want you to not know about spiritual gifts:

John 14:16
I will also ask the Father to give you another helper so that He can always be with you.

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Acts 8:14–20
When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that the word of God had reached Samaria, they sent Peter and John to go see them. When they got there, they prayed that the Holy Spirit would come to them. Because He hadn’t hit any of them yet. They were baptized with only the name of the Lord Jesus.

After that, when they were touched, the Holy Spirit came to them. After seeing that the apostles had given the Holy Spirit, Simon asked, “Give me this power too, so that anyone I lay hands on can receive the Holy Spirit.” He then gave the apostles money. Peter told him, “Your money dies with you!” because he thought that money could buy God’s gift.

4:10–11 in 1 Peter
Don’t waste the gifts God has given you; instead, give them to each other as good caretakers. If someone talks, let them be God’s prophets. To make God the most important in everything through Jesus Christ, who has all power and glory forever, let those who serve use the skills that God gives them. Yes.

Luke 11:13
Even though you are bad, you know how to give great gifts to your kids. How much more will your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to people who ask for it? [What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse]

Acts 5:32
And these things are proven by us, just like the Holy Spirit is proven by those who follow God.

4:14 in 1 Timothy
Don’t undervalue the ability you have; it was given to you by prophecy through the eldership’s laying on.

Important Bible verses

2:10–11 in 1 Corinthians
But God has shown us things through His Spirit. When the Spirit looks, it sees everything, even what God is most deeply into. Guy knows nothing about a man except his spirit, which is inside him. The only one who knows about God’s things is still the Spirit of God.

John 16:13
But once He gets there—the Spirit of truth—He will lead you to the whole truth because He will talk about what He hears instead of what He knows, and He will tell you what’s coming next.

Matthew 8:9–10
But if the Holy Spirit really lives inside you, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit. Now, someone is not His if they do not have the Spirit of Christ. And if Christ is in you, the Spirit is life because you are good, but the body is death because you sin.

Isaiah 32:15 until the Spirit comes down from heaven and turns the desert into a place that can grow crops. After that, it is seen as a forest.

Joel 2:28–29
And I’ll breathe out my Holy Spirit on everyone. Your boys and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. [What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse]
During those times, I will also pour out My Spirit on My maidservants and menservants.

In Acts 2:17–18, “As well as it will come happen in the last days, says the Almighty, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams, and Your sons and daughters shall prophesy.”
When that time comes, I will pour out My Spirit on My people, both men and women, and they will speak in tongues.

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14 Romans 15:13
Thank you for your faith. May the God of hope give you joy and peace through the Holy Spirit so that you can grow in hope.

What Are The Gifts of The Holy Spirit

  1. Knowledge

Quotes from facts are not wisdom. Smart people can see things from God’s point of view because they have wisdom. To put it another way, wisdom helps people see the truth. People who have the Gift of Wisdom can use this truth to honor God by picking solutions to problems that are in line with God’s will.

  1. Knowing what

People sometimes have trouble seeing the difference between understanding and knowledge, which is the second gift of the Holy Spirit. Being wise means wanting to think about God’s things, and being understanding means being able to grasp, at least in a limited way, the core truths of the Catholic Faith. When we understand something, we can be sure of what we believe in a way that goes beyond faith. [What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse]

  1. Legal help

You might also hear this gift called a Gift of Right Judgment. The third gift of the Holy Spirit is counsel, which is the highest form of the virtue of wisdom. Anyone can be prudent, but advice is something supernatural. With this gift from the Holy Spirit, we can almost feel what the best thing to do is. Christians shouldn’t be afraid to stand up for the truths of the Faith because the Holy Spirit will help us do that. this is called the gift of guidance.

  1. Strength

You might also hear this called the Gift of Courage. With this Gift, a person is brave enough to stand up for God and His truths. If someone has the Gift of Fortitude, they will stand up for what’s right and fight evil when the time comes.

  1. Knowing what

The Gift of Knowledge helps a person understand what God wants for them and how to live their life in line with that. Knowing how to follow God’s rules is different from being wise because being wise is only a wish. Understanding is different because it’s not just a skill; it’s a knowing.

  1. Religion

This is the sixth gift of the Holy Spirit. It is piety, which is the best form of faith. Today, we think of religion as the outward parts of our faith, but what it really means is the desire to worship and serve God. Being religious goes beyond a sense of duty. It makes us want to respect and serve God out of love, just like we want to honor our parents and do what they want.

  1. Being afraid of the Lord

The Gift of Fear of the Lord helps us understand God better. An individual with this Gift knows how awesome and important the Lord is. Because of who He is, they want to help Him. The person who has the Gift of Fear of the Lord knows who they are and why they are here in connection to God. In other words, they know that everything about them is because of God’s wonder, love, grace, and perfection.

They depend on the Lord like a child depends on a parent. The first step to becoming wise is to fear the Lord. People can start to see things from God’s point of view or have Wisdom once they know who God is and want to please Him. [What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse]

Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse

Someone gets a message of wisdom from the Spirit, someone else gets a message of knowledge from the same Spirit, someone else faith from the same Spirit, someone else healing gifts from that same Spirit, someone else miraculous powers, someone else the ability to speak in tongues, and someone else the ability to understand tongues. 8–10 in 1 Corinthians 12

He will be filled with the Spirit of the LORD, which is the Spirit of knowledge and fear of the LORD. Such a spirit gives him wisdom and understanding, strength and guidance. His decision will not be based on what he sees or hears. – Isaiah 11:2–3

But grace has been given to each of us in the way that Christ chose. Therefore, it says, “When he rose to the heavens, he freed many prisoners and gave gifts to his people.” (What does “he ascended” mean if not that he also went down to the lower parts of the earth?

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He who came down is the same one who rose above all the heavens to fill the whole world. As a result, Christ himself sent the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to prepare his followers for service. This was done so that the body of Christ could grow until we were all united in our faith and knowledge of the Son of God and fully mature, like Christ. Fourth Chapter 7–13

Because God has given me grace, I tell you all, don’t think too highly of yourself. Instead, think of yourself with good judgment, in line with the faith God has given each of you. For just as each of us has a body with many parts that do different things, so in Christ we are all part of the same body, even though we are all different. Because of the grace God gave each of us, we each have different skills. [What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse]

What ever your gift is, use it in a way that is true to your faith. If it’s to serve, do it; if it’s to teach, do it; if it’s to support, do it; if it’s to give, do it generously; if it’s to lead, do it with diligence; if it’s to show mercy, do it with joy. Luke 12:3–8

“The four lists [from the Bible] of spiritual gifts have important similarities and differences.” This means that none of the lists, by themselves or all together, are meant to be complete. Rather, each one shows how God gives Christians many ways to serve others spiritually.

9 Gifts of The Holy Spirit

What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse
What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse
  1. The Word of Wisdom:- When the Holy Spirit gives you this gift, it works with the word of knowledge. You can use the word of knowledge because you understand how to use it.
  2. The Word of Knowledge:- People who have this gift from the Holy Spirit know things that you can’t know with your own knowledge.
  3. The Gift of Faith—The Holy Spirit gives us this gift, and it grows as we follow the Lord. You are saved because you believe. Being able to know that you can’t do something by yourself but that the Lord has given you the power to do amazing things in His name is a gift of faith.
  4. The Gifts of Healing—The Spirit will heal in a number of different ways. Keep in mind that the Bible says “gifts” in a plural form. In different ways, these gifts give you the tools to fix yourself or be a vessel that heals others.
  5. Working Miracles—This gift of the Holy Spirit is shown all over the Bible, from Jesus feeding 5,000 people to Moses splitting the Red Sea. God is the same today, yesterday, and always. Since this is the case, He is still doing miracles. This spiritual gift, like the word of knowledge, comes from the Holy Spirit and not from people’s attempts. The work can’t be explained in any way. It helps and encourages others. [What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse]
  6. The Gift of Prophecy—The Bible says that people should “especially desire” this gift from the Holy Spirit. Someone should give this gift to someone else to help them grow. It is a straight Word from the Lord.
  7. The Discerning of Spirits—This gift from the Holy Spirit lets the bearer see when bad spirits are at work in someone else’s life. The Holy Spirit opens the curtains and shows the person the bad spirits so that they can break free from their chains.
  8. Different Tongues—This gift of the Holy Spirit is just the supernatural ability to pray and talk in a language you don’t normally know. You can say this to God directly in prayer or in a group where God gives another Christian the gift of interpretation to translate what is being said in the group’s original language (1 Corinthians 14:2, 13–14).
  9. Interpretation of Tongues—This is a gift from the Holy Spirit that lets you understand what was said in a tongue. You can do this for yourself or for the Church (see 1 Corinthians 14:13–14).

Gifts of The Holy Spirit Catholic

What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse
What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse

The Catholic Church says that the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are knowledge, piety, wisdom, understanding, guidance, strength, and fear of the Lord.
The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit That Every Catholic Should Know…

This list of gifts comes from Isaiah 11:2. People who get them are thought to have mastered their virtues. Like, the gift of counsel makes the virtue of prudence even better, and the gift of knowledge makes the virtue of charity even better.
Being a child of God gives you virtues, good habits, and good acts. These are called the fruits of the Holy Spirit. [What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse]

1830 The Holy Spirit gives Christians the blessings they need to live moral lives. People are open to the Holy Spirit’s direction when they have these long-lasting tendencies.

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1831 Seven things make up the gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, guidance, strength, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. They belong to Christ, the Son of David, in every way. They fill out and improve the traits of those who receive them. As a result, religious people are more willing to follow divine ideas.

Your good mood should lead me to a straight path.

As long as they follow the Spirit of God, they are God’s son. If they are children, they are both God’s and Christ’s heirs.

1832 The Holy Spirit gives us the first signs of eternal glory. These are perfections called “fruits of the Spirit.” One of the twelve is chastity. The others are charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, giving, gentleness, fidelity, modesty, self-control, and chastity.

7 Gifts of The Holy Spirit

What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse
What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse
  1. Knowledge

Quotes from facts are not wisdom. Smart people can see things from God’s point of view because they have wisdom. To put it another way, wisdom helps people see the truth. People who have the Gift of Wisdom can use this truth to honor God by picking solutions to problems that are in line with God’s will.

  1. Knowing what

People sometimes have trouble seeing the difference between understanding and knowledge, which is the second gift of the Holy Spirit. Being wise means wanting to think about God’s things, and being understanding means being able to grasp, at least in a limited way, the core truths of the Catholic Faith. When we understand something, we can be sure of what we believe in a way that goes beyond faith. [What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse]

  1. Legal help

You might also hear this gift called a Gift of Right Judgment. The third gift of the Holy Spirit is counsel, which is the highest form of the virtue of wisdom. Anyone can be prudent, but advice is something supernatural. With this gift from the Holy Spirit, we can almost feel what the best thing to do is. Christians shouldn’t be afraid to stand up for the truths of the Faith because the Holy Spirit will help us do that. this is called the gift of guidance.

  1. Strength

You might also hear this called the Gift of Courage. With this Gift, a person is brave enough to stand up for God and His truths. If someone has the Gift of Fortitude, they will stand up for what’s right and fight evil when the time comes.

  1. Knowing what

The Gift of Knowledge helps a person understand what God wants for them and how to live their life in line with that. Knowing how to follow God’s rules is different from being wise because being wise is only a wish. Understanding is different because it’s not just a skill; it’s a knowing.

  1. Religion

This is the sixth gift of the Holy Spirit. It is piety, which is the best form of faith. Today, we think of religion as the outward parts of our faith, but what it really means is the desire to worship and serve God. Being religious goes beyond a sense of duty. It makes us want to respect and serve God out of love, just like we want to honor our parents and do what they want.

  1. Being afraid of the Lord

The Gift of Fear of the Lord helps us understand God better. An individual with this Gift knows how awesome and important the Lord is. Because of who He is, they want to help Him. The person who has the Gift of Fear of the Lord knows who they are and why they are here in connection to God.

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In other words, they know that everything about them is because of God’s wonder, love, grace, and perfection. They depend on the Lord like a child depends on a parent. The first step to becoming wise is to fear the Lord. People can start to see things from God’s point of view or have Wisdom once they know who God is and want to please Him. [What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse]

Have the Gifts of the Spirit Ceased?

“I am frequently asked whether these fantastic gifts are still in existence today or whether they were abolished during the first century with the apostles.” Being completely honest, I still have questions about a few of them. However, I think that we should be open to the idea that these things may still exist, even if they don’t show up in the lives of believers.

This is my current position based on First Corinthians 13. From what I can tell from the writing right now, this is how it sounds to me. Chapter 13 of the book of 1 Corinthians. I think that line 8 of chapter 13 is where the main text starts. “Love is eternal.” Prophecies will finally come true. In terms of languages, they will no longer exist. In the end, knowledge will fade away.

Personally, I think that’s the point where the whole church can agree. These gifts are only good until a certain date. Tongues and prophecy. So, the only question is when they will run out. It says in verse 9: “We know in part and prophesy in part.

But when the perfect comes, the partial will go away,” says verse ten. So, we can say with certainty that there is an event when the perfect gift comes, which means that these gifts will no longer be valid after that date.

This leads to the question: What is the perfect thing that is being talked about in 1 Corinthians 13? That seems to be where the church encourages a good conversation. I don’t think this has anything to do with the Bible’s impending coming or any other information that has been said to have been received. [What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse]

The following is the reason. Verse 12 says, “For the time being, we perceive in a dim manner; however, we shall perceive face-to-face.” I now have a vague idea. In this way, the link is once again clear. We are still talking about a time period about which we only have some information.

This means that the present in verse 12 is the same as the present in verse 9. “For we know in part and we prophesy in part.” It has to do with the present. These are done before the thing goes bad or expires. In verse 12, he says, “At present, I am aware of a portion of the truth; however, I will soon come to a complete understanding, as I have been fully known.”

So, I want to know what time we’re talking about when we talk about “Then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” Given that the “then” in verse 12 matches the time frame given in the “when the perfect shall come” phrase. As a result, I think that the time in question refers to Christ’s return. The first chapter of First Corinthians is another book that I think can help us with this.

In the beginning of his letter, Paul says something interesting that I think sets up what will happen in chapter 13. In chapter four, he declares, “Well, I give thanks for the LORD Jesus constantly for you as of the mercy of The LORD that was offered to you in Jesus Christ, in that in every way you were enriched in him in all speech, in all knowledge, even as that testimony about Christ was confirmed among you, so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift.” So, he talks about spiritual gifts in the beginning of his letter, probably because he wanted to set the tone for chapters 12, 13, and 14. [What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse]

Pay attention to what he says after he says that they don’t lack any spiritual trait. “So you are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.” I think that when Paul says that these will end when the perfect comes, he is kind of hinting at what he means.

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They don’t have any spiritual skills yet because they’re waiting for the right one to come along. In chapter one, he may have called it the “revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

How Do the Fruits of the Holy Spirit Differ From the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?

These are the Spirit’s gifts:

1. Knowledge;

2. Prophecy;

3. Healing;

4. Figuring out mouths

5. Being able to speak more than one language.

6. Figuring out ghosts and

7. The faith gift. can be found in 1 Corinthians 12:1–12.

The Holy Spirit’s qualities are

  1. Love,
  2. Joy,
  3. Peace,
  4. Patience,
  5. Kindness,
  6. Goodness,
  7. Faith,
  8. Meekness
  9. Temperance.

    Galatians 5:22–23 has these.

    The mission, the growth of Christ’s body, and the perfection of the saints are the goals of the gifts of the Spirit (Ephesians 4:12; 1 Corinthians 14:4–5, 12, 26).

    When Christians show what God is like, it shows in the gifts of the Spirit. These are traits that God has.
    God’s call and gifts are permanent and can’t be taken back (Romans 11:29), but if a Christian is growing up and not showing the fruits of the Spirit, it means they are still immature and have gone backwards.
    I hope this information has been informative for you.

Where Are the Fruits of the Holy Spirit Found in the Bible?

The Holy Spirit works to create nine godly traits in people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. These traits are called “fruit of the Spirit.”
These are the 9 traits:

1. Love


3. Joy






9. Self-Control

A Prayer for Gifts of the Spirit

What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse
What Are The 12 Gifts of The Holy Spirit Bible Verse

Lord Jesus Christ, before He went to heaven, He promised to send the Holy Spirit to finish Your work in the lives of Your Apostles and Disciples. He should give me the same Holy Spirit to finish Your work in my life.

Give me the Spirit of Wisdom, so I will hate the temporary things of this world and only strive for the eternal; the Spirit of Understanding, so Your divine truth will shine into my mind; the Spirit of Counsel, so I will always choose the safest way to God’s favor and heaven; the Spirit of Fortitude, so I will bravely get past all the things that are in my way of salvation

The Spirit of Knowledge, so I will learn everything there is to know about God and myself; the Spirit of Piety, so I will enjoy serving God; and the Spirit of Fear, so I will fear doing anything that would anger Him. In every way, Lord, fill me with Your Spirit and mark me with the sign of Your devoted followers.
God bless you.

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Real Life Experience

In a way she’ll never forget, Maria felt the power of the Holy Spirit at church one Sunday. Her heart was filled with a deep sense of peace and joy as she worshiped. She discovered that when the pastor talked about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, she had often given wise advice to friends without realizing that it was the gift of wisdom at work.

She felt moved and prayed for more understanding and strength to help other people. Later that week, she comforted a coworker who was having a hard time with things that she didn’t seem to understand. Maria can now see how the Holy Spirit guides her every day with love, wisdom, and a sense of purpose.


Finally, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are divine gifts that Christians are given to help them live out their faith and help others with love and kindness. Based on the Bible, these gifts help Christians grow emotionally, make their communities stronger, and live out God’s plan for their lives.

Taking advantage of these gifts, like understanding, faith, healing, and wisdom, can help us connect with God more deeply and spread His kindness around the world. We let the Holy Spirit lead, change, and work through us for the greater good when we let Him into our hearts.


Q.1 Do we receive all 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Ans:- We have all of these gifts of the Spirit because we are in Christ.

Q.2 What is the highest gift of the Holy Spirit?


Q.3 What are the physical signs of the Holy Spirit?

Ans:- When you feel it, you might get tingling or chills, a wave of peace or joy, or even a surge of energy or power.


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